Saturday, December 01, 2007

Why Huckabee?

I support the Presidential campaign of former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee.

I agree with many of Huckabee's positions such as the sanctity of life, his belief in God, the need to overhaul the tax system in America, and the need to address America's health problems... and I could go on. But I think one thing that attracts me even beyond giving mental agreement to his positions on issues is his demeanor in these early days of the campaign. Mike seems to be an American first and a conservative second. "I'm conservative, but I'm not angry about it" is a quote which expresses this. I've seen (and heard) many today trying to get their way by shouting the loudest... that doesn't sit so well in the long run.

I understand that many of Huckabee's positions are controversial. But unlike the previous Governor from Hope, Arkansas, Mike builds his positions from his beliefs and leads with them rather than building his positions from popular opinion polls and following the crowd he should be leading.

Mike is very articulate. His positions on issues are well described in videos on his website I encourage you to learn about him and listen to him.

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